Wednesday, March 09, 2005

One More March Storm

Just under 6 weeks til the marathon, and I am getting nervous about my lack of recent mileage. The lingering winter weather has not helped. I have managed 3 twenty mile + runs, the last one at a 7:31 pace, but I have not run long in three weeks. Scary. I the Jones Town and Country a week ago Sunday, and this weekend Lisa and I visited her family. So this Sunday I have a 21 mile run planned, and then a half marathon on the 20th, and my last 20 on the 27th. That should do it.

It is March but last night we got slammed with a winter storm that came in with 50 mph winds and near zero temperatures. The storm started as rain in the morning. I ran 10 miles in a 38 F rain before work. Then the weather got ugly.

I did not run tonight, I am taking a class at Biet Ahavah called a Taste of Judaism. It is an introductory three night mini seminar on what it means to be a Jew. It has been an interesting experience, but I have been able to run Wednesday nights last week and tonight. Next week is the last night of the seminar. I may take a more involved course in Judaism after this introduction.

So tonight, I am heading off to the synagogue early because Lisa volentered me to help set up. That is good because I like to help out, but I am running tight on time when I drive my car in to a mud hole hidden by the snow and ice from last night in my drive way. The car sinks in the mud, there is a foot of water around. I ran back to the house and took Lisa's Legacy to the seminar. After the class I tried digging the car out, snow blowing around it, and finally calling A.A.A.. An hour later my car was out of the mud and back on paved part of the road.