Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 2015: Still alive.

Today I am 1817 miles into my running year.  This is the most miles I have ever run in a year, but short as of the 2015 I wanted to finish the year with.   It helped my mileage that at this time a year ago my life was total wreck, or at least that is the way I looked at time. I was more than a year out of my divorce, alone, had failed out of the sonography program, had no job and did not know what I would even want to do. I was thinking of driving a truck, it would be better than working the night shift at Cumberland Farms.

My friends kept me alive, and Donna Utakis kept me running until I could get my act together. I don't know if my act is together, but I am not depressed, not terribly happy, but trying. In the lot next door is a Volvo tractor that I drive five Monday through Friday for Dot Foods. The work is good, hard, frustrating, scary, stressful, a total pain in the ass, very lucrative, and I like it.

Today I ran with the coffee cakers. I fell off the pace after only a couple of miles. I finished on my own, walking and running the last two miles. Not good, but I ran 10 miles last night with Donna, and that included some very solid sprints on the Amherst College track.  Wednesday I ran 10 miles with Donna also.  Tomorrow, another 15 miles with Donna.

I am going to start another post, right now. I am going to call it Driving.

Still Running

So I am still running and now I make my living driving a truck for Dot Foods. It is a difficult stressful job that I actually like alot. I will be starting a new blog about driving and more about the people I meet along way. There are a some very unusual people out there, and this job requires me to work with them.  I enjoy these people and look forward to seeing them weekly.